Emerson Education Rhetorical Analysis

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By applying multiple rhetorical strategies the excerpt from The American Scholar entitled, “Education”, by Emerson informs the reader on his position about how students should be taught in the education system at the time.
Throughout the text, Emerson's uses diction to address both his audience and position on the matter of education. Word choices like “our”, “you”, and “your” establish that he himself is an educator and acknowledge his audience who are teachers too. This particular choice of diction also appeals to Emersons building of ethos by connecting his educator roots and other teachers creating a common understanding. Emerson’s context on advice and lessons focus on being a guiding hand to students. For example, “I believe that our own experience instructs us that the secret of Education lies in respecting our pupil”(189). Implementing the words "I believe" helps takes away the demanding and or a diminishing instructive tone, which parallels his suggested way of teaching to students. …show more content…

The excerpt is given in a homily delivery much like a religious sermon, in its preachy tone and particular use of other devices make it seem more like a virtue. His metaphors are also influential because they give a representation to his image, for example, “You must lower your flag and reef your sails to wait for the dull sailors”(192). In this instance, he compares the unmotivated students to the dull sailors who are slowing the ship or the eager and excellent learners. Emerson also uses symbolism in his short story within the text by saying “Fellows scraped away the dirt, was struck with the beauty of the sculptor”(190). The specific phrase can be thought to represent how the teacher wipes a surface of misguidedness and reveals the beauty and potential of the student. Which is the whole purpose of the reading, to inform teachers to help take away a students distractions and let them

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