Ember Miller Article 5 Essay

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The book Article 5 tells the story of Ember Miller. Ember miller is a young teenage girl who fought to save her mother while reconnecting with her first love. Lori Whitman, Ember’s mother, was arrested for violating a section of the Moral Statutes. Ember Miller tried to blend in the best she could to the society around her and avoid attracting attention to herself. She has done everything in her power to try and protect her mother by helping her fly under the radar, but this is not so easy for such a free-spirited person like Lori. The Bill of Rights was replaced with the Moral Statutes, a strict code that governs everything from what people are allowed to read to sexual practices. Ember tries to help her free-spirited single mother fly …show more content…

Making matters worse, one of the arresting officers is Chase Jennings: the boy next door who Ember used to be in love with, but now appears to be a hardened soldier. When her mother was taken, Ember was sent to a reformatory in West Virginia, where girls like her were sent for rehabilitation. While there, she was placed in a room with the student assistant, Rebecca. When she caught her roommate in a forbidden relationship with one of the guards named Sean Banks, she blackmailed them into helping her escape. However, the plan backfired, and everyone was caught. As Ember awaited what was certain to be a severe punishment, Chase arrived with an order to take her to Chicago to testify at her mother’s trial. After they left, she learned that the order was fake and Chase had gone AWOL to help her and her mother reach a safe house in South Carolina. As they traveled toward the carrier who would help them reach the safe house, Ember learns more about what Chase has endured in the past year. Her anger toward him gradually begins to resolve throughout the journey to the carrier. Their plan had to change when they found the man that was supposed to transport them had been shot by the MM. Before he died he told Chase and Ember of a carrier in …show more content…

The streets were full of people either homeless or who worked for the FBR. While making there way deeper into the crowd a riot for food broke out and Ember and Chase were separated. Ember is then grabbed by Sean Banks, who she learns is now a member of the local resistance. Sean took Ember and Chase to the resistance hideout there. This was when Ember was informed that article 5 violators were killed and that Chase was in the room with her mother when she was shot. After finding this out, Ember was distraught about her mother’s death and that Chase lied to her about it. She was so upset that she left the hideout and was captured and taken to the Knoxville detention center. When she awoke in the center, she was bribed by Tucker Morris to reveal Chases location but she refused. She is then placed on cleaning duty and tolerates Tuckers molestation of her in order to find out what happened to Rebecca, who was placed in a Chicago reformatory. As she waited at the center she realized that Chase was not to blame for her mother’s death and he has always tried to protect her. Ember had an escape plan ready but was interrupted when Chase was captured after he turned himself in to help Ember escape. Ember had to revise

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