Elizabeth Street Giovanna Character Analysis

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Strength is a human trait that can be lost and given up to hopelessness just as easily as it was gained. Giovanna Sienna fought through unimaginable struggles her whole life, but her unwavering strength guided her through her life. Giovanna Costa Pontillo Siena from Laurie Fabian’s book Elizabeth Street is portrayed as the stories strongest person. Her determination to get her beloved daughter, Angelina, back and her lack of fear of the kidnappers who blackmailed her for money, reinforce the conception that Giovanna’s tenacity was unable to be matched. She had connections to powerful people in powerful positions, which help her gain a foothold on getting through to the kidnappers. Her love for her family, primarily her daughter, kept her constantly searching for her daughter and any way to get …show more content…

Giovanna’s determination to get what she wants, combined with her relations to people who assist her in solving the issue, and her undying love for the people she cares about, definitively prove she is a very capable, strong woman. Giovanna is a very determined and fearless woman who stopped at nothing to get what she wanted. When she sent the money to the kidnappers for what was promised to be the last payment, she included a letter saying, “This is it. Here’s my final payment. I want my daughter returned immediately. If you delay, next is your coglioni. They’ll start to itch, blister, and fall off” (351). Giovanna has been through and seen terrible events, such as having her husband venture off across the world and be crushed by a giant ball of metal, but nothing has changed her life more than having her daughter stolen from her. Every day from the moment she woke up to the moment she had to sleep was filled with her wandering the city ravenously searching her environment for any clues on the disappearance of her daughter. She even went out of her way to go to chinatown and pickup herbs that she created into

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