Elizabeth And Hazel Essay

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Racism through the years has provided places around the world with a shameful past that even today, racial reconciliation is still only in its beginning phase. Legends such as Rosa Park, Martin Luther king, and Malcolm X sacrificed their own life daily to pave a brighter future for America. However there is only so much people can do to change the ways of the world, the rest is up to the moral ethics of everyday citizens. The novel, Elizabeth and Hazel: Two Women of Little Rock, makes me question society in the past and present. If today; years after racism was said to be over, two people can not move on from their horrid past, how is the rest of the world supposed to? Recent events have proven that racism still exists and will always exist …show more content…

Elizabeth is an African American scholarly student who was just trying to receive an education. Hazel was a white student who attacked Elizabeth with verbal abuse, as she made an attempt to attend the same school. Decades after the globalized picture was spread through America, Hazel the vicious white women apologized to the black martyr Elizabeth. Many questions arose about why she apologized but that should not really matter, the fact is she admitted to her wrongdoings that haunted her life. Elizabeth and Hazel in 1999 even took a photo smiling in the front of Little Rock High School. They were on a good start to rehabilitation until of course the world and people around them changed things. When the scrutiny began, Elizabeth felt that there was no way that Hazel could have done something so egregious, so casually (“ 'Elizabeth And Hazel ': The Legacy Of Little Rock”)" and started to question which eventually distanced the two. Both whites and blacks criticized their every move as they tried to fix the friendship they never had. It is hard to pull off decades of racial reconciliation especially with the public eye on watch. Elizabeth and Hazel tried, but the continued hate ruined their chances of ever having a friendship. Oprah, the television host and one of the most influential people invited them to her studio in 1999 and was said to have disapproved their …show more content…

They may not realize it, but they are wrong. In 2014 a white police officer shot and killed an unarmed black teen named Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri. This story swept America by its feet and brought on a new worldwide discussion of racism. In 2012 George Zimmerman fatally shot and killed Trayvon Martin, a 17-year-old African American high school student in Sanford Florida, he was also unarmed. In an article by CNN, I read about several psychologist who staged an experiment that brought out the truth in societies racial bias. “They showed people a photograph of two white men fighting, one unarmed and another holding a knife. Then they showed another photograph, this one of a white man with a knife fighting an unarmed African-American man. When they asked people to identify the man who was armed in the first picture, most people picked the right one. Yet when they were asked the same question about the second photo, most people -- black and white -- incorrectly said the black man had the knife(“The new threat: 'Racism without racists”).”There are six times more Black people incarcerated than whites and every day, and a black-name resume is 50 percent less likely to get responded to than a white-name resume” (“This one video shows how racism is real in America”). This ties into the reason why most blacks live in poverty and have low income jobs which later result in their kids

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