Elisa And The Traveling Repairman Analysis

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The interaction between Elisa and the traveling repairman helps develop the story’s theme because the repairman takes interest in Elisa’s chrysanthemums so he can try to get business with her. It he started talking to Elisa when he was traveling to some place and asked for directions. She told him directions and they started talking about sharpening scissors and repairing pots. So when it starts getting to the end Elisa gives him a chrysanthemum and he just throws it in the road. Elisa saw it and she started crying. The portion of the myth that the painting illustrates is that people on the ship see Icarus drowning but don’t do nothing. The painting would change if Daedalus response was shown in the painting because it will change how the painting is formated. Since Daedalus isn’t in the painting where Icarus just drowns with people watching him. The tone of the painting would change if it had were to have different details on to it. First, the narrator also known as Jane is sick and her husband John does not believe that. Her husband does not know that so what he does is look her in a room. Which doesn’t work it just makes her even more sick and crazy. He doesn’t try to do anything to help her. All John can think of is lock her in a room. The narrator’s husband is a physician as well as her brother. They say that if …show more content…

That is how much he doesn’t even try to help her through her sickness. He should just not try to do that and try talking more so that he knows that the sickness is a mind problem. But does he try no he doesn’t he thinks of ways to tie her up and lock her up. She even thought if people get out of the wallpaper in the room like she did. But then he thought of a way to calm her it was to make her rest and comfort her. She wanted to sleep with John but he said you should undoubtedly rest better for the night all

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