Ehr System Essay

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Part 1 A plan to build effective teams to collaborate in the selection of a new EHR system for the clinic. First, it is important to consider the technicality of the process and the skills required for all representatives to take part in the activities of the process. For example; Professional roles that should be represented in the teams: a) IT expert- the role of the IT expert is to blueprint the EHR system that is needed by the clinic. Furthermore, the expert plays a significant responsibility in ensuring that all the stakeholders are captured well in the system. He or she may be asked to be the system designer. Therefore, he or she has to collect the user requirements from the Nurses and Doctors within the hospital thus design and develop a system, which serves the existing needs. Most importantly, the expert also plays a significant role in ensuring that stakeholders such as nurses and doctors are not overwhelmed by the technical terms being used. In the end, it is important for the EHR system to be user friendly. b) …show more content…

Nurses play an important role in the sharing of patient information between doctors and the patients or other caregivers. Hence, they will inform the IT expert on key components that may arise with in the system. c) Medical Doctor- the role of the doctor is to explain to the system developer, the kind of data that will be collected and stored in the system. Essentially, during the development stages, the developer will recognize whether the data will be saved as alphabetical, numerical or

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