Understanding and Teachings of the Torah

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1. What is the meaning of the word ‘Torah’?
Torah is a Hebrew word, which in English means law. However, this rough translation doesn't give a proper insight into what it means. A Hebraic definition of the word Torah is “a set of Instructions, from a father to his children, violation of these instructions are disciplined in order to foster obedience and train his children”. The Torah teaches and bring children into maturity.

2. What are 2 clear teachings of the ‘Torah’?
There are four different teachings in the Torah; God created all that exists, and watches over his creation; Life is a gift of love from God, we are to be a blessing to others; God makes practical promises to the people led by Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, this included descendants, …show more content…

Identify the name of the central character in the Book of Exodus?
Although Aaron, Miriam, Pharaoh, Jethro and Joshua played significant parts in the Book of Exodus, the central character is Moses. He was born in 1393 BCE, in Egypt. At this time the Hebrews were being oppressed through slavery under the Egyptians. God sent Moses to lead the Hebrews away from the oppression in Egypt, into the Promise Land. Moses fought the Pharaoh to let ‘his people go’. This is when the ten plagues were unleashed upon Egypt, in a successful attempt to free the Hebrews. This later leads onto the the parting of the Red Sea which lead to the escape of his people.

4. What are the 4 main types of books found in Hebrew scripture? Find an example of each type of book.
There are four main types of books found in the Hebrew Scriptures;
These are the first five books of the Old Testament, which consists of; Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy. This looks at how to live in accordance with God.
Historical Books
Stories of the Jewish people, spread through oral tradition. These books include Joshua, Judges 1&2, Samuel 1&2, 1&2 Chronicles, Ezra, Nehemiah, Ruth, Tobit, Judith, Esther and 1&2 Maccabees

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