Esther And The Bible: The Book Of Ruth

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Ruth; It is the story of a Moabite widow who, after a series of misfortunes, moves with her mother-in-law to Bethlehem due to a famine in the region, and leaves behind her family of origin. The situation of both women takes place in the dark and difficult time of the judges in Israel. She was a worshiper of the true God and devoted to the one Lord. The book of Ruth is a love story that happened during the time of the judges. Ruth was David's great-grandmother, therefore she belonged to the earthly lineage of Christ. The book was written by an unknown author and is one of the shortest books in the Bible but its history is one of the longest and is distributed symmetrically

Esther; Esther was a heroine who became queen of Persia and appears in the third section, the writings. The book tells how Esther came to be queen and how his uncle and his enemy threatened the Jewish community. The book of Esther takes place during the exile of Israel. The book is unusual because no name, title or pronoun appears for God. But the presence of God is clear throughout the book. …show more content…

follow the book of kings and in the printed Jewish Bible is the last book in the third and last division of the canon.
2 Chronicles; is divided into two parts, the reign of Salomon and the kingdom of Judah is the continuation of 1 Chronicles. The two books of Chronicles present the same story and end in the same point. They are a recapitulation of everything that has already happened, giving special prominence to the kingdoms of David, Salmon and the later kings of

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