Egg Recipe Lab Report

508 Words2 Pages

Scrambled Egg Recipe

Style 1 - Active voice
The experiment apparatus consisted of an extra-large egg, 1/10 spoon of salt, olive oil, water, a spoon, a small sized bowl, a Continental Electric egg beater, an 8” flat frying pan, a cooking stove, and a kitchen stopwatch.
The experimenter cracked an egg into a clean bowl and added 1/10 spoon of salt to the bowl. The experimenter used the egg beater at the lowest setting to stir the egg until it became a pale yellow and homogeneous fluid. The experimenter then added water into the well stirred egg. The volume of water was about 1/6 of the volume of the beaten egg. Starting the stopwatch, the experimenter used the egg beater to stir the mixture of egg, salt, and water for 20 seconds. After preparing the egg, the experimenter filled the bottom of the frying pan with a thin layer of olive oil and placed it on the cooking stove. The experimenter cooked the oil over medium heat for 1 minute. The experimenter then poured the beaten egg into the frying pan and set the power of the cooking stove to low heat. The experimenter stirred the egg constantly until it became fluffy and no liquid was present in the pan.
The experimenter assessed the quality of the scrambled egg by eating it. He found that the scrambled egg was fluffy but had a weak …show more content…

1/10 spoon of salt was added to the egg. The egg was stirred by the egg beater until it became a pale yellow and homogeneous fluid. Water was then added to the beaten egg. The volume of water was about 1/6 of the volume of the beaten egg. The mixture of egg, salt, and water was stirred by the experimenter for 20 seconds. Second, a frying pan was prepared for cooking the egg. The bottom of the pan was covered with a thin layer of olive oil and heated over medium heat for 1 minute on the cooking stove. The beaten egg was then poured into the pan. The egg was constantly stirred until it became fluffy and no liquid was present in the

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