Edward Scissorhands By Tim Burton And Identity By Julio Noboa Polanco

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Society constantly projects the idea of originality and being unparalleled, but blindly cages us in the standard of being accepted. The movie Edward Scissorhands by Tim Burton and the poem “Identity” by Julio Noboa Polanco, demonstrates the struggle of finding one’s identity when being led into one pathway. Although individuals are told that there is beauty and radiance in being unique, there is still fear found in individuality and comfort in conformity. The texts venture in a labyrinth of dilemmas between the desires of fitting in and not letting the wages of society mold you. Most individuals are easily influenced by the principles of society due to the fact that it is projected as normal and acceptable. In Edward Scissorhands, the neighbourhood is filled with multiple people whom are all the same. All the families live in similar houses, all aligned perfectly in the neighbourhood, all the women are housewives, and all the men go to work; their lives appear as perfect and peaceful. Because of this, individuals who live differently feel as though they are an outcast; the society surrounding them make them feel unwanted and redundant. Almost entirely, individuality leads to loneliness. Outcasts will often feel compelled to mold themselves in order to …show more content…

By the virtue of society, these individuals feed into them so that they’ll be craved by everyone. The character Jim in Edward Scissorhands is deemed to be perfect; he and his family are rich, has a clean and perfect reputation, and has the whole neighbourhood drooling over him and his family. These individuals have become complacent in being society’s idea of perfection; this complacency gives them comfort because they’re idolized by everyone. Following society’s standards will always give you company; almost everyone is striving for the same

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