Edward Scissor Hands Essay

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Edward Scissor Hands Winston Churchill was known to say “Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference.” The film Edward Scissor Hands, directed by Tim Burton, expresses how society gives unfair treatment or alienates those who are different. This film shows how society quickly judges and takes advantage of those who are different making them do their bidding. Once citizens get what they want they are quick to abandon and isolate those distinct individuals. The public disrespects and is generally condemning and unaccepting of those who are different. Edward scissor hands is portrayed as a dark colourless monster who is judged. Edward scissor hands is judged as soon as he is seen. When Edward is seen by Peg here first reaction is fear she tells him to stop moving and stay where he is. She try’s to leave but he stops her. This is showing how Peg judged him and thought he would harm her but he was just a boy how needed help. Edward scissor hands dark, gothic cloths is frightful compared to the towns perfect, bright …show more content…

Edward scissor hands isolation is obvious during the film. Edward scissor hands mansion is geographically isolated from the “perfect” suburbia. You see Edward scissor hands mansion in juxtaposition to the “perfect” suburb homes when the camera zooms out behind Edward scissor hands mansion. When Peg finds Edward scissor hands at the begging of the film the lack of colour and the darkness lighting represent his isolation. The darkness is representing Edward scissor hands life, loneliness and emptiness. Lack of conformity to social “normal.” Edward scissor hands wears black cloths, has scissor hands and he's not complete. Edward scissor hands is not “perfect” and is seen as a monster leading to his isolation. Edward scissor hands doesn’t comfort to what society considers normal. He is an over exaggerated monster evoking intolerance therefor

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