Educational Goals and Philosophy

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Educational Goals and Philosophy Teaching has always been an honorable and valued profession. With teaching you instill the knowledge and values that the student will take with them throughout life. I have volunteered at the elementary school with my children and have enjoyed watching the encouragement and nurturing of these teachers towards their students. I felt that I have the ability to nurture and share in the wonderment of the knowledge that prevails around us. To achieve this goal I will strive to give these students the understanding, love, and confidence that they need to prepare them for their journey in life. I plan to teach special education. I believe that these children need more patience and understanding towards their academic goals. I have always had a warm spot in my heart for these children. Many of these children do not receive the positive attitude at home that they can succeed and meet challenges in their life. I want them to recognize their challenges and to raise their self-esteem, so that they can achieve every goal in life. I feel that these students have the potential and ability to gain the knowledge and to make a valuable impact on today’s society. It will be my job, as a teacher; to make sure that the correct technique is being demonstrated to ensure that these students reach their full potential. The main goal to any teaching technique is to give confidence to that student that he/she can do anything. There is no obstacl...

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