Edgar Allan Poe's The Masque Of The Red Death

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As soon as we are born our timer starts and one day it will stop and we will no longer be a part of this earth. Everybody enters this world the same way, but we all have our own different ways in departing. Nobody wants to think about dying or seeing a love one leave, but unfortunately that is how life works. Are you scared to die? Can you handle seeing a love leave your side due to death? Just like the majority of the people, we have two different people with the same mentality who fear death and will do anything in their power to try and escape from it.

"The Masque of the Red Death" shows a wealthy guy named Prospero who locks himself in his palace to party with a thousand people who he invited and he believe's nothing or nobody will enter without his consent, but little does he know death was trying to party too. There is said to be seven stages to a life spam, and Prospero had a Masque theme in his palace displaying those seven stages in room's separately. The rooms go from birth, toddler years,childhood, teenage years, adult years, senior years, and last but not least death. They go from West to East representing the sun rise to sun down. Prospero also had a large ebony clock, that …show more content…

Wanda Dunn would resist leaving her home because she was afraid that "Mr. Death" would be outside waiting to take away her life. One morning Mrs. Dunn was awakened by some noises that were coming from outside near her house, curios she peaked outside the window to only see a police officer laying at her door steps due to an injury. After agreeing to open the door to allow Harold Beldon the police officer in for aid, she later then realized that she had let "Mr. Death" in without knowing. Talking to Harold she was soon convinced that she did not have to be afraid of death, but that death was only the beginning to

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