Edgar Allan Poe Accomplishments

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The Difficult and Mysterious Life of Edgar Allan Poe
Many people do not know this but Edgar Allan Poe was the inventor of the detective story. You can trace any modern day detective story and its roots will come from Poe. Poe was though a very strange person. He was mysterious but he had a very rough upbringing. His mother passed away when he was a young boy. This is one incident in his life that he would never forget. Many other tragic events would occur in his life like the death of his foster mother. These events stuck with him and would soon be the reason why he started to write. His stories would have very dark themes because he had dark topics to write about(1). American author Edgar Allan Poe was a mysterious yet influential writer …show more content…

He is widely known for his famous poems but people don't known that Poe was a brilliant story writer. He had such variety and a huge range in vocabulary which made his stories expansive. His stories had more of a dark sense and that is the way he was. His story with this dark style that really blew up was “ The Raven”(4). A raven being a black bird which describes Poe himself. Poe definitely also had a Gothic style. His style matched his style pretty well. His prefered color was black which symbolizes death and sadness which could describe him. These themes were not randomly thought of though. He felt the need to write in this theme because of the tragedies he went through as a little boy. This eventually led up to him creating his poem “ The Raven” which was a remarkable piece of work in a myriad of ways(5). “ The Raven is a narrative poem with strong dramatic force,” says Michael Seidel(5). Edgar Allan Poe was also known for being a writer who included Romanticism in many of his works. He is known for having these very dark and sad themes yet his pieces can speak to anybody and they are still loved by people no matter what the theme is. Poe didn't learn all of this stuff from nowhere though. He had many influences like Charles Dickens and Thomas De Quincey(4). Another accomplishment of Poe is that he was the original creator of the detective story. His story “ The Murders in the Rue Morgue” was genius with its theme and actually crowned Poe as the creator of this type of

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