Dark Romanticism Essay

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The Dark Romantics or Gothic Fiction was part of the Romanticism Movement that emphasized the use of primitive, medieval, wild and mysterious elements including supernatural events and horrifying situations. The Dark Romantics took place in the eighteen hundreds and started as a reaction to the Transcendentalists, but did not entirely embrace the ideas of Transcendentalism. The Dark Romantic works were less optimistic than the transcendental works that believed that knowledge could be arrived at not just through the senses, but also through intuition and contemplation of the internal spirit. The Romantics took on a shadowy approach to the fantastical with the use of creepy symbols, horrific themes, and psychological effects of guilt and sin. …show more content…

His stories had an immense importance among authors such as Stephen King, along with helping to establish the genres of science fiction and the detective story, which got him the named father of the detective story. When writing his work “Poe was concerned above all with the “effect” of his tale on the reader. This effect, he thought, should be single and unified. When readers finished the story, they ought to be left with a totality of impression, and every element of the story--character, style, tone, plot and so forth--should contribute to this effect” (Wright). So Poe sought to give his readers emotional and aesthetic pleasure, but also to get them to believe that his stories had a reality of their own. Poe’s early career path had him harboring two aspirations, one was writing and the other the army. The army aspiration didn’t last long and Poe began to focuses solely on writing full time. Poe began working for a magazine, writing reviews of his contemporaries and developed a reputation as a cutthroat critic, but while working for the magazine he also published some of his own works in it. In later years Poe worked as an editor, a poet, a critic and would publish several poems, short stories, and collections of stories. Poe was one of the more famous Dark Romantic writers, leading his works to have Dark Romantic elements such …show more content…

He explains that his disease makes all his senses and especially his hearing, very sensitive as well as acute. The narrator then informs the readers of the events in his past to prove that he isn’t mad. He tells the readers that he loves the old man and has nothing against him, except the old man’s “pale blue eye, with a film over it” (Poe). The narrator explains how he hates the evil eye and whishes to kill the old man, so that he could be free from the eye. He goes on to say that for seven nights he would go to the old man’s room and watch him sleep, but on the eighth night, the old man wakes from hearing the narrator enter the room and from the shadows the narrator sees the evil eye prompting him to kill the old man. When the policeman come to the house, the narrator convents them that nothing bad has happened but because he was feeling confident he invites the policeman to the room to chat. All seems well until the narrator starts to hear the beating of a heart and freaks out and confesses that he murdered the old man. The story is littered with creepy symbols, horrific themes, and psychological effects of guilt and sin that embodies the Dark Romantic style shown through the insane nameless narrator who seeks to kill the old man with the evil

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