Ed Stafford: A Short Story

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Do you get tired after walking one mile, or maybe 2. Well how do you think it would feel, if you traversed around 4000 miles? Well a man by the name of Ed Stafford has become the first person to ever walk the whole length of the amazon river. It took him a total of 860 days to complete his journey while facing many near death situations. On April 2, 2008, he started at the source of the amazon river and he had a friend accompanying him, however, his so-called friend quit after three months after starting the walk. Keeping his spirits up and head held high, he continued on alone facing dangers such as man-eating fish, giant snakes and diseases. He never gave up. Soon, he met a new companion by the name of Gadiel “Cho” Sanchez. Together, they walked the rest of the distance. I hope there friendship was a little better than Ed’s previous one. While on this excursion, Ed used and Internet satellite phone to blog about his adventures and watch “The Office” before he went to bed, if he had one. Finally on August 9 2010, both Ed and Cho reached the Atlantic Ocean. After the …show more content…

The second cause for his trek was to raise awareness about the destruction of the Amazon Rainforest that is still ongoing to this day. So is he crazy, or a good person? That is for you to decide. Personally, I feel that he’s a bit senseless, but I respect him. His feelings for adventure, unwavering spirit and heart for the environment are things about Ed that I can admire, but I would never be able to due what he has done. This is not the first of his expeditions. As a retired captain in the British Army, he has inspired several modern-day explorers. Also, in 2011 he received the Mugo Park Medal from the Royal Scottish Geographical Society for his great contributions to geography. As of right now, he is resting up. He is going to need this rest if he continues to go on more

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