Ebooks: The books of the future?

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Amazon now sells 105 electronic books for every 100 printed ones, this is the first time in history that Amazon has sold more electronic books than regular printed ones (Rapaport 2011). Today’s world is becoming more technologically advanced, so companies have had to adapt to keep up with the demands of the consumers. Today, even librarians are recognizing e-readers as a great option for their libraries. Some places have even created programs to help elderly people to show them how to use these devices. This still leaves the question of where will books go from here?

The creation of digital or electronic books began in 1971 with Project Guttenberg. Michael Hart wanted to allow people to be able to access a wide variety of texts at no cost to them. He began by searching for books which were available within libraries and scanning them to create a digital copy. The digital copy of the book could be easily scanned, recreated, and put into a system which could index it and make it easily searchable (Lebert, 2009)This was the first time that books were made into digital formats. As the technology behind the internet began to improve, it became available to more people. By the 1990’s, the number of digital texts which could be found online was increasing rapidly which lead to many people to question if the internet would overtake regular books. The internet actually increased the amount of people around the world who were reading, because it made the texts more readily available.

Eventually, companies beginning to use the web as a way of advertising” (Lebert, 2009)In the U.S., NAP (National Academy Press) was the first publisher in 1994 to post the full text of some books, for free, with the authors' consent” (Lebert 20). Eventuall...

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Lisa Rapaport. (2011, May 19). Amazon.com Says Kindle E-Book Sales Surpass Printed Books for First Time. Bloomberg. Retrieved from http://www.bloomberg.com.

Shawn Murdok (2012). Traditional books vs. digital readers. Retrieved from


Susan Gibbons. (2000, October). Ebooks: Some concerns and surprises. Retrieved from


Terence Cavanaugh. (2002, November). Ebooks and accommodations: Is this the future of print

accommodation?. Retrieved from http://www.sbac.edu/~werned/DATA/RESEARCH/journals/Teaching Exceptional Children JOURNAL/ebooks and accomm.pdf

7 things you should know about e-readers. (2010, March). . Retrieved from


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