Eating Turkey Research Paper

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Not only eating turkey could cause problems for the world, for your own health too.
Eating turkey is bad because it could harm you and why kill a turkey, what's so good about it, eat something else. Eating turkey could harm your health and cause a few problems in your system. Eating turkey could cause you to get sick, not only eating a lot of it, but the turkey you are going to eat could have antibiotics and other dangerous chemicals. Farms would say that they are chemical or antibiotics free, but that might be true, yet air, water, and even food could have chemicals and the animals are consuming it. The animals could get sick, for all we know you could be eating that sick animal and get sick as well. Some say just wash them out but the chemicals stay on the skin,bone, and meat. Not only are we getting sick by that sick turkey, but we are far more than from the truth, yes turkeys are tortured, yes they do get force fed and even add more chemicals to help them gain weight so they are weak to kill or even fight, yes they even have their young killed or taken away, and yes, they can also feel emotion like anyone but they get sick and could have a rare or dangerous illness, like the Zika virus, and pregnant women could have eaten that turkey. While we just stand there and watch all of this happen. …show more content…

Like vegans, way more creative and even show new ideas that could taste just as good and is better for your health. Why a turkey, why, all that a turkey has been “ good taste” yet many people don’t like to admit that they have seen an animals got killed or even go used to it or even pretend to act like nothing happened. Vegans could show you that not everything they eat tastes like pure vegetables. They also say that the food they make is better tasting or just as good as meat. If you think that that's impossible, truth is they make many “meat produce” out of vegetables even hamburger

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