Inside the History Department: A Portrait of East Brooklyn Community High School

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East Brooklyn Community High School is a small transfer school located in Brownsville. The school has a small staff and a small population of students compared to most high schools in New York City. The history department has four teacher, Ron the Global Europe and Global Asia teacher, Ariela the Global Middle East, Global Latin America and Caribbean and Economics teacher, Jimmy the SPED teacher who helps out in all the history classes and myself Dominique the US History and Government teacher. Together we are a tight unit that spreads the love of history to our students. As a department every week, we check in on student performance, lesson study projects, and regent preparation for students in addition to weekly lesson approaches. Sometimes if we have time during our meetings we help, each other map out upcoming units. As a department, we observe each other classes to learn different strategies of teaching content and literacy.
At East Brooklyn Community High School, we follow a different type of rubric to assets students. Each day teachers are to …show more content…

Before conducting the whole class discussion students were given time to look over the reading and guided questions to refresh their memory on the text. In addition Ariela asked the students to pick out two pieces of information that stand out to them in the text. Using the two pieces of information they picked out student will explain why it is significant to them. The students had about fifteen minutes to look over the text and gather information for the whole class discussion. After the fifteen minutes was over the whole class discussion began. Ariela created a protocol to allow all students to participate. Going around the classroom each student read the piece of information they choose. After every student gave their speech they began the whole class

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