ETHS Community Service Club

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Contacting organizations, collaborating with others, and creating meaningful service events are all activities in a day’s work for a leader of the ETHS Community Service Club. As a student run club, I, as a student leader, have to find, design, and plan service events for club members to participate in each month. These events range from wielding a hand saw for the North Branch Restoration Project to deciding which person, or group, in need to give a loan to with the Kiva Microfinancing Organization, and they require a considerable amount of planning. First, there’s brainstorming--what’s a problem that students at this school are passionate about? Then comes contacting--is there an organization near our high school that we can work with, or an event already happening nearby that needs volunteers? Next, getting volunteers interested--how are we going to present this event at our monthly club meeting so that club members will want to …show more content…

We want students to be able to make the change they want to see. In order to do this we design in-school service events that all students, not just club members, can participate in. As a leader, I created awareness events like “Taco-ing About Diabetes”, which was an event where student-volunteers helped faculty and students make diabetes-friendly tacos while teaching about what diabetes is. Although this event wasn’t “normal” community service, it made an impact on our school community, and helped to educate people about a disease that many people face. I also designed an event called “Biking with Brains”, which encouraged students to bike safely to school. Myself, along with other volunteers, handed out granola bars and fliers to students who wore a helmet while cheering them on. The more often we had this event, the more students showed up wearing their helmets. It was amazing to actually be able to see the change we were

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