EHR In Canada Essay

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Access Canada provides a universal health insurance coverage plan (Medicare) to its citizens. This includes physician visits and specialist services by referral from a physician. Depending on the province, the coverage may include prescription medication and other services. Services like dental and prescription glasses may be obtained through other private insurance plans. Although the Medicare provides universal access, owing to the climatic and terrain conditions of Canada, one may find it difficult to access the various health care services. Quality REFORMS TO IMPROVE CANADIAN HEALTHCARE 1) Community and Primary Healthcare reform  A stronger focus on keeping patients well and supported in the community can be achieved by shifting …show more content…

 Electronic prescribing will enable prescribers to better utilize their time, while a prescription drug database can be used by doctors and pharmacists to improve prescribing practices and help to prevent dangerous drug interactions  In 2009, of an estimated 322 million visits made by Canadians to doctors, 94% resulted in a paper record. Canada is far behind all other industrialized countries except the United States in transferring to EHRs. Almost 80% of health records in Australia are electronic, while in the Netherlands the figure is 98%. Canada has a long way to go to catch up, but achieving an almost universally applied EHR is a reality in other jurisdictions and is a realistic goal for Canada. 3) Move towards pharma care reform  Canada pays more for prescription drugs than any country within the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) except the United States this has resulted in one of the most inequitable systems within the OECD in regard to access to medicines. A universal national pharma care program would bring Canada in line with most high-income countries around the …show more content…

SYSTEM COMPARISAON OF DIFFERENT ASPECTS OF US AND CANADA HEALTHCARE Health insurance coverage Canadian health system has a set of socialized insurance plans which can cover all the Canadian citizens since their birth. Most of the citizens are qualify for health insurance coverage regardless of standard of living, race of the peoples, medical history and personal income. Primary concern of US healthcare system is the number of citizens without health insurance coverage. Under Obamacare, still 31 million people are uninsured. Most of the people uninsured are low income people Profit oriented healthcare Involvement of private insurance companies leads to profit motive running in United States. Transformed healthcare in US into an industry whose goal is to make profit. Government does have limited control over private insurers. Rather than private insurers, Canadian health system has single payer which is government to pay all healthcare cost that put people ahead of profit. Resistance to choose physicians and extra

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