E-Business Models Evaluation

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E-Business Models Evaluation Abstract According to Richard Trambly, writer for Computer World Magazine, “An e-business model is an approach to conducting electronic business through which a company can sustain itself and generate profitable revenue growth. The business model spells out how a company plans to make money online and how it's competitively positioned in an industry.” This paper will examine three websites that are geared to different populations. First, we will examine a business to business site (B2B), secondly a business to consumer (B2C) site and lastly a site for a non-profit agency. This paper will glance at the different models that each company is using and how they utilize their online presence to generate the offerings desired by their consumers. The increasing complexity of Internet and Web technologies and their rapid evolution are imposing a Herculean challenge for information technology managers. They are expected to achieve optimal utilization of their existing information system for business performance while ensuring integration of the latest Internet and Web technologies in their enterprise information technology architectures. At the same time, they must meet the expectations of business managers who need to create and sustain innovative business value propositions to keep up with the changing competitive environment and customer needs. Not unexpectedly, companies are realigning their product and service platforms into “e-business solution architectures” that can better address the needs of improved customer relations and enhanced financial conditions for the company overall. The greater... ... middle of paper ... ...ng an online presence is to provide increased support, cost savings and convenience to the customer and provide efficiencies and cost savings to the company. References: E-Business Models, Trambly, R., retrieved online September 28, 2004 from, http://www.computerworld.com/industrytopics/retail/story/0,10801,54589,00.html Business Models on the Web, Managing the Digital Enterprise, Rappa, M., retrieved online September 26, 2004 from: http://digitalenterprise.org/models/models.html Intel Web Site (http://www.intel.com/business/bss/infrastructure/managing/define_value.htm) Intel Business Services http://intel.com/business/index.htm Ebay www.ebay.com Boy Scouts Of America http://www.scouting.org/ Boy Scouts Of America, Great Salt Lake Council http://www.gslc-bsa.org

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