Dystopian Society In The Giver

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Would you like to live in a place were your job was assigned to you when your turn twelve? In the book The Giver once you turn twelve the community committee that watches your actions all your life finds the assignment/job that would fit you best. Though our society may seem like a dystopia The Giver allows us to be grateful for what we have because of all we would of lost living in The Giver society. The assignments that are being given to the twelves are carefully chosen. Some kids such as Fiona Jonas’s friend always volunteered at the House of the Old more than any other occupation in the community. Once the ceremony came it was no surprise to the community that Fiona was given the assignment of Caretaker Of The Old. This could be compared to someone that’s owns a family company such as JP Morgan’s family. Before he was even born his father knew he would take up the family company and no one was surprised once his dad died that he took up the company. …show more content…

And choose wrong?” (The Giver) In The Giver your mate is chosen by the community committee based on personality traits , no love involved. Marriage in The Giver and marriage in real life are different and yet somewhat the same. In The Giver marriages are chosen by the elders, they pick your partner and you are okay with it. Similarly in Royal families sometimes they do choose their marriages for other reasons than if they were good match . Although this does not happen in commoners society it could be related to our real society in some

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