Dyslexia In The Classroom Essay

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Dyslexia in the classroom
Dyslexia is brain based condition. It’s causes difficulty with reading, spelling, writing and speaking. The brain has trouble recognizing or processing certain types of information. Dyslexia is a hidden disability in the classroom. Teachers should know about to help students. 43.5 Million Americans have dyslexia, only about 2 million are getting help for their dyslexia. People that have dyslexia have difficulty associating sounds with letters and letters with sounds, they also get confused when pronouncing words such as saying ¨mawn lower¨ instead of ¨lawn mower¨. They also will have trouble reading and have trouble writing and rhyming. People sometimes get dysgraphia confused with dyslexia, Dysgraphia is like …show more content…

Hearing things over and over again, helps a kid remember better because they are hearing it and seeing it more. You should also use small group or individual this way the kid won't get overwhelmed when hearing all the information, they will be able to gather the information better. They should get intensity of intervention, other than getting pulled out of class once a week. Kids would also benefit with getting extra time on a test, and having a quiet place to work. Teachers have also it helpful if students record lectures during class to listen to later. They also have done studies that have proved that students with dyslexia have a better answer on their test when they give the answers verbal instead of writing them on paper. Children should listen to audiobooks while they read a book. Typing on a computer instead of writing helps students, using a rule helps a kid read in a straight line kids with dyslexia tend to lose their spot in the middle of reading. Students that have dyslexia might also feel like because they have this disability that they can't do a lot of things that other people might be able to do, or they feel that they aren't as smart as other people may be because they have dyslexia. If you feel as a child feels this about them then you should remind them that many famous people have had dyslexia including Tom Cruise, Orlando Bloom,

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