Dyslexia Case Study

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During the following assignment I will look at the effects of the implementation of the Acceleread and Accerelwrite programme on dyslexic students in our school. I will look at how this can be implemented into our teaching and analyse how successful I feel the programme has been for our students. My school is an independent primary school that follows the International Baccalaureate PYP curriculum. The school caters for local and international students from over thirty different countries around the world. We currently have over 200 students on our Learning Support register, with over 17 students who have been diagnosed with Dyslexia. As I have been working very closely with a group of year 3 students who fall into this category I will use them for the basis of my support strategy.
It is widely accepted that Dyslexia is characterised by a deficit in phonological processing, which is manifested through reading and spelling difficulties in affected children, Snowling (2000). Whilst it is acknowledged that these symptoms are now more widely recognised by teachers and other educational practitioners than they have been in the past and also that identification of Dyslexia has become more prevalent in schools, the emphasis now falls on intervention and how teachers can support Dyslexic pupils in schools in order to prevent underachieving.
Evidence from research along with personal experience has identified that Dyslexic pupils sometimes feel alienated or different from their peers and can also suffer low self-esteem and frustration, especially if they’re learning needs are not addressed correctly, (Goldup & Ostler, 2000, & Locke et al, 1997). Underachievers can become disinterested, not wanting to engage in written activity or reading a...

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... out the programme across the school as part of the next cycle of research.
Along with this, further investigation needs to be conducted into the way teachers respond to Dyslexic pupils in the classroom and how the learning environment and teacher’s planning can be adapted to support Dyslexic pupils throughout their learning in an attempt to prevent disaffected learners in the future. To achieve this outcome our SEN Department plans to develop the use of additional support strategies that will help to meet the needs of students with Dyslexia throughout the school. We plan to work very closely with our class teachers and EA’s and we hope to hold regular staff training to share and support these strategies. We will also look at implementing these ideas across the range of learning difficulties that we come across within our department as well as across our school.

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