Dynastic System In China Essay

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Before the Communist Revolution, China had a dynastic system for their form of government. A dynastic system consisted of China being ruled by emperors and it started around 221 BC. The first known dynasty in China is the Shang Dynasty. The social classes included the upper class of nobles, the working class, and slaves. In the Shang Dynasty, China was well- known for their well- organized armies and the chariots they used. Their system of writing consisted of pictures called ideograms, pictograms and phonograms. The dynastic system left China in 1911 when the Qing Dynasty ended. A republican form of government was introduced where warlords governed the country. This type of government was weak for China and Sun Yat-sen, the leader of the Nationalist Party, searched for help from other countries to try to bring down the warlords. Unfortunately, western countries did not give their help, and China went to the Soviet Union for help instead. The Soviet Union agreed to help them out but they pushed for China to become communist. This decision eventually led to the civil war that occurred in China. The civil war started in April of 1927 and lasted until May of 1950. It was between the Chines Nationalist Party and the Chinese Communist Party after the Northern Expedition, which took place from 1926-1928. This was an expedition to try and stop the warlords and end feudalism, or a system of government where kings and nobles ruled the land. The Nationalist Party was supported by many western countries and the Communist Party was supported by the Soviet Union in Russia. From 1936-1945 the civil war had to stop for a little while because Japan had invaded Manchuria. Instead of fighting each other during this time, both parti... ... middle of paper ... ...e up with his Five Year Plan to try to create more of a world power by increasing China’s industry. At the beginning of the Revolution, China had been receiving money from the Soviet Union because they signed the Treaty of Friendship, Alliance and Mutual Assistance. This money allowed China to start to actually modernize its industries. Mao’s Five Year Plan’s main goal was to create better industry but also create more and better production of steel, coal, and iron. TO achieve these goals factories and mines were given specific goals to achieve and if they did not meet these goals, the factory believed they were failing its own people. Because of Mao’s Plan, the economic growth rose and most of the goals set were accomplished. The only problem was that the success of it was because there were a lot of Soviet Union advisers that helped China through the Plan.

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