Dweck's Brainology: How Do Students Learn These Mindset

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I feel like the text that had me thinking about myself would have to be Dweck's Brainology piece because of the way they say we should praise children and how I would normally praise them. Under the How Do Students Learn These Mindset on page 2 of 6 states, "Parents and schools decided that the most important thing for kids to have was self-esteem. If children felt good about themselves, people believed, they would be set for life." This is not true because they would develop a fixed mindset. Many people think that you could just hand self-esteem to children by telling them how smart and talented they are. At the bottom of page two declares, that the children who now work in the workforce with a fixed mindset cannot go through a day without receiving praise, rewards, and recognition. I feel like this is true because I see it happen a lot with some people who work at fast food places. These …show more content…

They praised the children in one group by their intelligence by telling them “Wow, that’s a really good score. You must be smart at this.” Then they praised the children in the other group for their effort saying, “Wow, that’s a really good score. You must have worked really hard.” The children that were praised for their intellectual capacity didn’t want to learn and when they were offered a challenging task they would benefit from; the majority chose an easier one to avoid making mistakes. Meanwhile, the children who were praised for their efforts wanted that task they could learn from. I find this very true because I work with children from 3rd grade and lower. I used to praise the children about how smart they were and when I didn’t they would look for me to continue to praise them. After reading Dweck’s Brainology piece, I started praising them for how hard they worked and the results were astonishing. They actually wanted to learn more and study

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