Dwarfism Essay

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Dwarfism is a condition that causes people to be unusually short. Dwarfism affects the skeletal system because changes in certain genes may cause skeletal disorders, especially in the arm and leg bones, because they do not develop properly. Pituitary dwarfism is a condition of growth retardation in which patients are very short, but have normal body proportions. This is caused by a dysfunction of the pituitary gland, which affects the endocrine system. There are two types of dwarfism: disproportionate and proportionate. Disproportionate dwarfism is determined by an average-size torso and shorter arms and legs. Proportionate dwarfism is when the body parts are in proportion, but shortened to fit the being’s smaller body size. Most types of dwarfism are caused by a genetic problem. The most common types of dwarfism are skeletal dysplasias, which is genetic. But proportionate dwarfism may also be caused by metabolic and hormonal disorders that can cause a short stature, such as growth hormone deficiency. Scientists know which genes may cause some forms of dwarfism; so genetic tests can confirm those specific conditions.
People with disproportionate dwarfism are far below their average height with shortened limbs, which may affect their movement. They will have a late development of motor skills, such as a basic movement of sitting up. People with dwarfism are more prone to getting frequent ear infections and are at a risk of hearing loss. They will have a bowing of the legs, and get arthritis in adulthood because of all the strain put on their short legs. Another common problem they will get is pressure on the brain and spinal cord, resulting in nerve and breathing problems. This also leads to the affected person having difficulty br...

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...eld in some degree of bondage by an owner. In all periods of time in many different cultures, dwarfs were assigned to wait upon or amuse others. With the decline of the courts in the 18th century, the status and roles of dwarfs also diminished. They would occasionally serve responsible positions, but were mainly entertainers. Dwarfs began to be displayed much more frequently at fairs and taverns. With the dwarfs more amusing careers, history has influenced upon modern years of dwarfs selecting more jobs in the entertainment industry. “During the past half-century”, medical progress, the influence of the civil rights, and disability rights movements, “[has] led to an increased sense of positive identity among dwarfs” in many countries (dsq-sds.org). Dwarfs have served as jesters or entertainers in the courts of sovereigns and the households of important persons.

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