Ductal Carcinoma Case Study

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Presenting Symptoms, Preliminary investigations and Results

The patient presented with a self-detected 23mm grade 2 ductal carcinoma involving the right upper quadrant of the right. The patient performs regular breast self-examination(BSE) to detect any lump before advanced symptoms manifest. Other symptoms included nipple discharge or retraction, skin changes, alteration in breast contour, lymphadenopathy, mammographic abnormality and distant metastasis. Subsequently, a core biopsy has been done to make a definitive diagnosis, confirmed that a ductal carcinoma with surrounding DCIS (Ductal carcinoma in Situ). She underwent a wide local excision and a sentinel lymph node biopsy. It revealed a 23mm mixed DCIS and ductal carcinoma with grade 2 histology and the sentinel lymph node was negative. The tumour was oestrogen and progesterone receptor positive and non-amplified for HER-2. There was no evidence of lymphovascular invasion. The patient has no family history of breast cancer.

Management Statement and Radiation Treatment Prescription

The common disease management options for breast cancer are surgery, chemotherapy, endocrine …show more content…

Although the patient in this case study is having a right breast treatment, DIBH is an interesting topic to discuss because of its convinence of not have to utilize any intricate and expensive equipment. Methods to reduce long term side effects gradually become increasingly important due to the improvements in survival rate. Today, there are two main gating techniques being used clinically. The first requires a digital spirometer to breathe through it; the second technique is breath-hold technique perform on respiratory gating system. Both technique are effective in reducing side effects, however, they require expensive equipment and high maintenance cost that prevent tight budget department from adapting

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