Dual Language Learners Summary

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1. What did you learn about dual language learners? What does the speaker recommend?
What I learned about dual language learners is that most children can be taught dual languages if the right teaching methods are put in place. In the video, Dr. Rodriguez pointed out how the dual languages were being taught to kindergartens on the autism spectrum along with regular developing students because co-teaching and other teaching methods were being used to foster growth in all of the students. Initially, it was thought that because of the autistic children’s rigid abilities in some areas that learning two languages in a dual teaching environment may be difficult. However, it is being proven that most children in the program are able to meet the demands of the program.
At PS 112, Dr. Rodriguez also points out that the school makes accommodations for children that learn in different ways. She went on to point out that the …show more content…

Rodriguez is strongly implying in her narrations that individual assessments is a key factor in how this program is able to be successful. The school has seemed to carefully look at the needs of each child and match them with a program that they will be able to get the maximum benefits out of. In regard to the special education students, she pointed out that it was important that the kids were being educated in an integrated environment with their non-disabled peers. She also pointed out that within the class, the objective is for children, regardless of what they suffer from, to speak up and delve deeply into a topic. She ended by stating that we can serve the interest and concept of justice and equality by preparing special education students to be leaders who recognize achievements among people in all social groups and work well in all global settings. Overall, from this statement, I think the inclination is that proper assessment and then proper placement can foster growth and progress regardless of if the child has a

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