Zoning Categories: Understanding Residential Capacities

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Distinction between the zoning categories is their capacity to host multiple households. Apartments have the most capacity, whereas residential detached properties have the least. Traditionally, (RD) has been designed to host single families. Properties on these sites may include granny suites and backdoor entrances into the basement, however, they were not intended to facilitate renting to non-family tenants. This is illustrated in 1999, where in response to low vacancy rates, City council adopted a motion to lift the tenant ban by applying Official Plan and zoning by-law amendments which permits tenantable second suites in single and semi-detached houses throughout the City (City of Toronto, 1999). Criticism of this motion by councilors and …show more content…

One case study is TDSB school closures and schools under review. In Toronto, 105 of the Toronto District School Board schools are under review due to having enrollment at 65% or under. This is directly related to population changes. This is illustrated in Map 4 of the Appendix.
Schools are more likely to have low enrolment in neighbourhoods where the population has decreased, or increased by fewer than 1 person per km2. This has negative effects on the learning outcome of students. They experience lack of stability, fewer course offerings and programming. For example, Kipling Collegiate has an enrollment of 47% and is in a neighbourhood where the population density has decreased. Here, low enrollment has resulted in teachers leaving yearly, and a lack of course offerings including the absence of grade 11 and 12 French. In 2017, the Board of Trustees approved a Pupil Accommodation Review as the school may close (Toronto District School Board, 2017). A closure would directly impact equity within the neighbourhood, by requiring longer travel times for certain students to arrive at school. The closure would also decrease the attractiveness of the community to families with

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