Drunk Driving Research Paper

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Drunk Driving Dont Do It Do you know how many people die each year of Drunk Driving ? that’s right a lot nearly 25,000 people die each can you believe it . If you don't like to follow the rules you either get jail time , a harsh punishment ,lose your license not bad right ? It’s not bad its horrible how of one dumb mistake you make you lose everything instantly . You lose your family , your life ,your car , people you love , there’s no going back . Unless you have some kind of magic powers which nobody does . The punishments you get are pretty bad they have different ones in each country . For Example in Turkey you have to walk 2 miles away from your town with a police escort. In other countries you lose your license forever. Lets say you’re going to a party well if you know or think your gunna drink bring a designated driver ,or tell someone to pick you up. Also when you do that many lives are save . Why not called a taxi also there’s many of them .Or don't drink at all ,if you drink and drive you will get a DUI . Drinking only 2 or 3 still does ...

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