Drunk Driving Persuasive Speech

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A car crash on I-75 just occurred early this morning, two found injured and one dead at the scene. All this caused by a driver with 4 times the amount of alcohol allowed in your system while operating behind the wheel. You watch as all this information is given to you on television multiple times every day. Aren’t you tired of hearing this, but not being told a solution to this reoccurring factor? Well, the problem I am addressing is drunk driving and how it continues to occur with no specific solution yet announced. I will share with you a consequence of a past drunk driving incident that will show you drunk driving is not some small accident that can damage a car, but can damage more than one life. Also, I have come up with a prevention plan …show more content…

It is defined as; “operating a motor vehicle while one's blood alcohol content is above the legal limit set by statute, which supposedly is the level at which a person cannot drive safely.”(The Free Dictionary). This includes when people say they have been charged with a DUI, which is drinking under the influence. “In the United States in 2007, the death toll from teenage drunk-driving accidents was 1,393-nearly four fatalities every day of the year.”(“Drug-Free World”). In many of the drunk driving cases that are taken to court, the driver is a repeat offender (Koshland 513). For example, Clarence Busch had three previous drunk driving convictions when he killed thirteen-year-old Cari Lighnter in a hit-and –run. His consequence was only forty-eight hours in jail (Steinbock 278). Drunk driving is not a small issue; it is a problem that continues to happen every day causing accidents where people not only get injured but lose their life. “In 2013, a total of 1,149 children 14 and younger were killed in motor vehicle traffic crashes. Of those 1,149 fatalities, 200 (17%) occurred in alcohol-impaired-driving crashes. Out of those 200 deaths, 121 (61%) were occupants of vehicles with drivers who had BACs of .08 or higher, and another 29 children (15%) were pedestrians or pedal cyclists struck by drivers with BACs OF .08 or higher.” (MADD). This quote is the most important of them all, it lays out the big statistics and shows’ how big a deal drunk driving is and the impact it has on people. These were all children that lost their life to a drunk driver because he or she thought they were capable of operating a vehicle with the power to end a life. When a life is lost, especially a child, the family is highly impacted and it takes time to get over it. Some cases the family

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