Drones Descriptive Writing

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My feet were cold to the bones. Tiptoeing through the damp grass did not help to keep the morning dew out my running shoes. But the numb feet were the least of my worries. After being impressed with my mastery control skills, the thought of flying higher was building in my head. I cranked up the throttle, and instantaneously, the six little motors kicked into overdrive, screaming as shoots up. The sudden howling wind as if out of a devil’s mouth has whipped my drone hard in the sky. That is when I realize I was being a fool by bring my beloved drone far up into the blues. From the live video feed displayed on my cell phone, I was able to see unfamiliar farmland. I try to funnel the joysticks back and forth, trying to save it, but the drone has already taken a mind of its own. To make things worst, the video feed cuts off at that moment. I remembered fearing never able to see my beloved drone again, moreover, I beg that the falling drone will not hit …show more content…

I swallowed a hard breath. My brain is dead, blank in thought. It must have been a good minute in utter silence I stood, in complete disbelief. A dark cloud seems to hang beside me as I imagine pictures of the crashing drone onto pavement. I crossed into my neighbour’s yard, with phone in hand, wishing to catch on to a signal. There was no sign my drone anywhere in sight. The sun now giving the last of its light, twilight has fallen. It reminds me of a search like the Malaysian aircraft that went missing. Everyone hoped to find the black box before the battery run out of juice. And here am I doing the same thing, searching a drone with nothing more than a general direction and short range video receiver. Anything ahead is an uncharted region of my neighbor's yard. I held my phone as high as my hand reach, hoping for a better signal and walks around like a headless

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