Dress Code Restrictions

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“We act the way we dress. Neglected and untidy clothes, reflect a neglected and untidy mind” -Unknown. All students want to feel comfortable and confident in their own skin. We don’t dress ourselves to impress but for comfort and style, but that concept is often derived from us. Students of all age divisions are often put down by unjust school dress code restrictions. Schools should minimize their dress code restrictions. Restrictive dress codes prevent self expression, creativity, self-confidence, and promotes misogyny. Restrictive dress codes limit individual creativity. It stops students from showing their unique side and expressing themselves through the clothes they wear. Being able to express yourself and dress the way you like is very important to children of all ages. Fashion is a strong concept of freedom, sort of like freedom of speech. Every student wants to express their artistic, religious, and political outlook. Whether the student is wearing a campaign button, a religious t-shirt, a tuxedo, or just plain all black attire, he or she is sending a specific message. Self expression is a concept that portrays your difference from everyone else. Giving students an opportunity to express themselves acknowledges their individuality and helps to increase their self respect. …show more content…

There’s such a difference in how school dress codes treat males and females. Girls are disciplined disproportionately. A lot of students, not just girls, find this divergence unfair; beyond the fact that boys are rarely called out for dress code violation. Biased rules can have a very negative impact on girls confidence and sense of self. Girls tend to feel judged and chastised by these restrictions. Girls attire is often put down by the concept of being too distracting. It’s almost as if teaching them that is a guy harasses them, is their

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