Dress Code Research Paper

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Have you ever thought about the ways we can change the way people feel about themselves? Or how to stop kids from getting bullied on a daily basis? I have, matter fact I was bullied. As I was growing up, kids used to talk about the way I dressed on how I wasn't wearing the new jordans and designer clothing. So I thought to myself, I have to get a new pair of shoes everybody else is wearing, because I want to fit in with the popular crowd like them. So what I tried was to convince my mother that she has to get the new shoes that everybody is wear. My quote was “If I look good, I’ll do good.” But of course it never worked, I never opened up to her on why she should buy me these expensive shoes. I just kept begging her. Anyhow, like …show more content…

Having uniforms you won't have that issues of students wearing clothing that is to short. Doris Jo Murphy, EdD, former Director of Field Experiences at the University of North Texas College of Education, stated: "As an elementary assistant principal in two suburban districts, I can tell you that the dress code took up a great deal of my time in the area of discipline... I wished many times that we had uniforms because the issue of skirts or shorts being too short, and baggy jeans and pants on the boys not being pulled up as they needed to be, would have been a non-issue." Having read what he started the time that we are in the trend that we reached is less clothing and more skin being …show more content…

Parents wouldn't you love to save money every school year? Instead of buying your kids new school clothes even when they can still fit last year. Yes is cool for some new clothes but a whole wardrobe change is a lot of money. According to the website procon.org it stated that “Parents can reduce their financial burden when their children are limited to wearing one simple outfit every day. A study of uniform cost in the United Kingdom found that uniforms cost parents £88.05 ($128.79) per outfit, while out-of-school outfits averaged £113.00 ($165.79). A national survey of 517 US school leaders found that 94% of those surveyed believe "one of the main benefits to parents is that school uniforms are more cost-effective than regular apparel," and 77% estimated the average annual cost of school uniforms per child to be $150 or less. Uniform company French Toast states on their website that the average cost one of their complete school uniforms is $45 and that most children will only require two sets. Without school uniform policies, parents may feel pressure to compete with other families by purchasing fashionable clothes for their

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