Dragon's Epilogue To Treasure Island

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CHAPTER FOURTEEN A Sailor's Life for Me Before I saw it, I could smell the brackish sea air. Then I too rounded the corner and spotted the smooth lilac surface of the water. "There's his boat." "That tiny thing? It's a dinghy," Emma said with surprise written all over her face. "We can't all fit on that?" "Well ..." I started to explain, but Isadora zoomed in and perched on my shoulder. "Hay, be careful. You make one false move and poof, there goes my hairdos up in smoke." Emma giggled and Isadora rose and fluttered above us, "Sorry I forgot I'm in fire form. So Captain Bluebird wants us to row out to his ship which is docked a little ways out from shore." "You mean like a large vessel?" "Yes he's now the Captain of a pirate ship." …show more content…

There the color of steel with large white pupils. I have never seen eyes like that before, or since. You could just tell that they could see right into your soul." "Wow," The Kidd said. "You know that they're immortals." "Really?" I replied. "Yeah, can you imagine living forever? Till the end time?" Emma glanced out at the water and appeared to be thinking and I didn't know what to say. Finally after a few moment she blurted out, "Yes it would be awesome. I mean, imagine all of the things that you could see and do?" "I wouldn't want to live forever," I said. "Me neither," the Kidd muttered. She turned and smiled at us. "To each his own I guess," Then turned back towards the sea. "So I really hate cutting this philosophical debate short, but I was wondering how far away are we from Thunder Rock?" I asked and had to grab onto the railing to steady myself. "We're only a day or so away. It's not too far." "Oh okay." "Hey let me show you around," he said and stopped in front of one of the gremlins. "This here is our third mate Barney Blender he's in charge of the kitchen so if you need anything, just ask him." I nodded at Barney. Emma stopped and pointed to a towering rock that was jutting out of the …show more content…

mermaids?" Emma said. "Or ah ... what you call them um ..." The Kidd shook his head. "No they're sea nymphs. They're the servants of goddesses. Who were cursed to live in the bodies of birds at night and during the day they are forced to sit on the rocks and sing. Come on let's go I'll finish my tour." We walked passed a long wooden plank and there had a huge wart covered greenish-yellow troll that was standing near the end bound and blindfolded. "Don't mind him, he tried to kill the Captain a while back, so ... uh, well you know. Come on this way," he said. We follow him down the ship, and passed several small gremlins who were on their hands and knees swabbing at the deck. "Everyone on broad takes a turn." We rounded a corner and entered into the galley. Inside I saw a serious looking gray gremlin with a patch over one eye and a bandana around his neck sitting at a large dining table sipping cider. The table was stacked with glass bowls that were heaped full with hairy pickled pigs feet, crispy rats, and huge green eye balls floating around in some kind of green goo. "Hum ..." Emma and I both muttered at the same time. "Those don't look very

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