Dr. Seuss Influence On Children

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Dr. Seuss, used his imagination to create a parallel universe that every child or adult can enjoy. He never had kids with his wife but his famous phrase is, “You have them, Ill entertain them!” Although it may seem like he had an easy life, he dealt with many hardships, such as his first book, which was rejected 27 times before being published. Despite all of his troubles, he always overcame them and became one of the most imaginative children’s book authors. He always used the power of his imagination to make unforgettable children’s books and helped solve the problem of children not wanting to read. Dr. Seuss’ real name is Theodor Seuss Geisel, but close friends and family called him Ted. He was born on March 2, 1904, in a small town named Springfield, Massachusetts. His parents were Theodor Robert Geisel and Henrietta Seuss Geisel. He always gave his mother credit for his love of rhymes and being able to rhyme so well. He lived a fairly normal and happy childhood with his parents and sister, and he even used some of those memories in his books. Theodor eventually left home for college at Dartmouth, where he and his friends started a humor magazine/ newspaper called, “Jack-O-Lantern”. But sadly, he got kicked off …show more content…

They decided to help Ted publish, “The Cat in the Hat’. Dr. Seuss even said that it was one of the hardest books to create because Houghton Mifflin only gave him 225 “new reader words” to use for his whole book. Also, Random house kept the trade publication right and Houghton kept the school rights. Eleven million copies have been printed and sold throughout the world. Sadly, his first wife died before she could see how successful he had become, she died in 1967. He later married his old friend named Audrey Stone Geisel, who is now the head of Dr. Seuss enterprises. Sadly, Theodor Seuss Geisel died on September 24, 1991 from throat

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