Dr Jekyll And Mr Hyde Duality Essay

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The substantial demilia in the novella, Dr.Jekyll and Mr.Hyde, written by Robert Louis Stevenson, consists of the duality in human nature involving good and evil. The novella separates good and evil within one character supporting the theory, ”Man is not truly one, but truly two.” (Robert Louis Stevenson). The character, Mr.Hyde, consists of the evil embodied in Dr. Jekyll whereas Dr. Jekyll only portrays the goodness of himself. One can infer Dr. Jekyll illustrates a deeply repressed man who has hidden his violent side, not wanting to face any consequences for anything he has done. Although, the novella exhibits an interesting story about a man who turns himself into an evil human being, there are profound psychological implications within the theme of …show more content…

Jekyll’s character actually confesses he has been fascinated by the duality of his own nature. Specifically, how man being truly two, affects all men. Dr. Jekyll suppressed the evil nature of himself by morphing into Hyde, “A small deformed,disgusting man somewhat younger than Dr.Jekyll”(Robert Louis Stevenson) Dr. Jekyll describes he and Hyde as polar opposites,which reinforces the theory of duality considering they are the same person. Also, in the first chapter the reader learns that Hyde’s home portrays an extremely run down and neglected place which contrasts Dr.Jekyll’s well kept, expensive home. In the end of the story, the reader learns about the mysterious door which holds Hyde’s dwelling and connects to Dr.Jekyll’s home. The door is confirmation that Dr.Jekyll hid his dark secret of Mr. Hyde. ”Both sides of me were in dead earnest; I was no more myself when I laid aside restraint and plunged in shame, than when I laboured, in the eye of day, at the furtherance of knowledge or the relief of sorrow and suffering” (Dr.Jekyll) One can infer from this quote once Jekyll let Hyde take over, his evil side slowly tried to destroy him and it allowed the dark nature of Jekyll to

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