Jekyll And Hyde Duality Essay

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Romeo and Juliet and Jekyl and Hyde both show duality. One example is how Jekyl and Hyde are the same person just living a double life. He wanted to be able to live a life where he was able to let loose and still be respected at the same time. So he found a way to do that by making a potion that could make him someone else. However he could change back to the other person when it was necessary. An example in Romeo and Juliet is how their deaths were tragic but without them the families aren’t fighting anymore. Duality is a huge aspect in both of these works of literature. In Jekyll and Hyde Jekyll wanted to be able to cut loose and be able to be like someone who wouldn’t have been respected. He also wanted to be someone who was respected so he made a potion where he could be both; no one would disrespect Jekyll but …show more content…

And both of the book’s main themes is duality. In Romeo and Juliet the plot of the story is how two star crossed lovers meet but their families hate each other and they love one another. The Families have been feuding for a long time. However they love each other and they end up getting married. After that they kill themselves. It is tragic but that was the only way the families feud would end because Romeo and Juliet were their only children, Lady Montague died and the Capulets are too old to have another child. In Jekyll and Hyde Jekyll wants to live a life where he can have fun and mess around but still be a respected scientist. However the Victorian society won't allow that so he created Hyde. Hyde is his fun side but it is also the evil side and so he just keeps going over to the evil side. Hyde becomes stronger than Jekyll and he overtakes Jekyll; that shows the duality of human nature and also that both of these books are based around the theme of duality. These books are both about duality, obsession and many other things but they are a lot alike. However they are also very

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