Dr. House

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When a 29-year-old elementary school teacher suddenly passes out in front of her class after babbling non-English words, she is taken to the stubborn Dr. Greg House after multiple previous failures to diagnose her.

Dr. House specializes in infectious diseases and has a team of three “overqualified doctors” who he barely ever utilizes. As seen through his interactions with every character including his superiors in the pilot, Dr. House is a stubborn, rude, and lazy person. When the young woman is brought to the hospital in which House works in, House is extreme reluctant to treat her. When he finally agrees to treat the patient, House still refuses to to actually see her. He proclaimed that, “everybody lies” and then went further to say that science and diseases don’t lie but people always do so he does not like meeting patients who have the capacity to do so.

The brilliant actor Hugh Laurie displays his talent in taking on such a complex character as Dr. House. His character required him to speak in an American accident (Laurie is British) and walk with a limp. These two characteristics do require a lot of ability but his true talent is seen in the way he completely …show more content…

Their natural inclination for healing and helping people is obviously not the same for Doctor House. House’s only instance in the episode where he seems to want to help someone is when he finally figures out that there is a parasite in the young teacher’s brain after she already decided to suspend treatment. When Dr. Chase, one of House’s underlings, says, “she’s not just a file to him [House] anymore,” House rebuttals to defend his tough guy persona. Doctor Greg House says, “I solved the case, my work is done.” And with that, House stops his attempts to heal the woman and never sees her again. Thankfully, House’s underlings took it upon themselves to treat the woman further and curing

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