Dont Spare the Rod

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Spankings are a vital asset in raising children. Adults who were not spanked as children as opposed to adults who were spanked may have disagreements about differing methods of discipline, but the fact remains that discipline is an important foundation of building the life of an upstanding citizen. Parents of today’s generation of children have seemed to have gotten away from the spanking method of disciplining their children and the perceived effects of this is running rampant through today’s society. Children who were spanked versus children who were not spanked behave differently in different situations throughout life. In fact, spanking your child can actually be more beneficial than once believed if practiced the right way.
Spanking should be used along with other discipline methods to help guide children. You should spank them to teach a lesson not to instill fear. For instance, if your child is putting itself in danger you should give a light spanking accompanied by explaining to the child what was done wrong. If your child is caught stealing from a store and there is no form...

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