Donna Freitas Time To Stop Hook Up

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Has the hookup culture ruined the traditional “asking out someone” or the passing of the notes in class saying “will you date me? Check yes or no”? When discussing the topic of hooking up, it has become such a casual conversation that it doesn't even phase anyone anymore. Ninety-one percent of college women say a "hook-up culture" defines their campus, and a new study reveals they are right (ABC News). Donna Freitas is the author of the essay, “Time to Stop Hooking Up (You Know You Want to),” she analyzed the pros and the cons of hooking up in college. Most parents preach that you should wait until marriage to lose your virginity because that is what's “right,” - at least my parents did. Times have changed so much since they have been in college …show more content…

She ran a study where she surveyed a handful of students and “36 percent at non-religious private and public schools said their peers were too casual about sex” (Freitas 1). Another study she ran showed the impact of the hookup culture in today's colleges. The study proved that “41 percent used words such as “regretful,” “empty,” “miserable,” “disgusted,” “ashamed,” “dumped,” and even “abused” to describe the actions that happened in previous hookups” (Freitas 2). The other 59 percent of the survey said they had mixed signals or were “fine” with the hookup. Many people refuse to openly admit how they feel about sex and casual hookups. Words used to describe hookups were adjectives such as “whatever,” and “mostly okay,” (Freitas 2). In today's society, hooking up is a casual topic and not something secret or special. It has become the ‘norm’ to have physical intimacy before going on the first date because first dates are “are deemed unnecessary or even forbidden” (Freitas 2). In college, everyone wants to know whos hooking up with who, which means nothing is a secret …show more content…

When you run a google search asking “what is the hookup culture” the accurate definition pops up. It states that it is “a person that accepts and encourages casual sexual encounters, including one-night stands and other related activity, without necessarily including emotional bonding or long-term commitment. It is generally associated with late adolescent behavior and, in particular, American college culture” (hidden brain). In Freitas research, she states how the tone of ethics has changed and evolved over the past 60 years. The social and cultural norm- and society's expectations were the complete opposite of what they are now and are clearly shown through her research. Not only does Donna Freitas tell us that she has been studying this for 8 years it also reassures us that we are caught in the thick of this cultural change. Students now are leaning more towards the so-called “friends with benefits” rather than having a steady committed relationship. While doing her research, she said that a large portion of “them that were in long term relationships started out as hooking up before getting to know who their partner first” (Freitas 2). If a boy were to ask you on a date first, before sleeping with him, is a true gentleman and is incredibly hard to find so hold on to that boy for

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