Donating Our Body To Science Chapter Summary

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After reading this book, I have a better understand of what donating our body to science really means. Through my research and the book, I believe that people should donate their body to science. Once a person has died, there are nothing more that person can do, but donating your body to the science could continue to help another even after you have passed away. The use of the donated body has motioned in the first chapter, this chapter is about the practice of cosmetic procedures. Mary Roach attends a seminar where plastic surgeons perform different cosmetic procedures on cadaver heads. The body are using as nonliving patients for the surgeons to practice new procedures on before using them on live patients. It helps the cosmetic surgeons to have a better understand on human anatomy and how to perform specific procedures. Also it is easier and safer than practicing on live patients, since the nonliving patients do not have blood that block the facial structure, which helps the surgeons see everything that is going on clearly, so they could …show more content…

Human decomposition can be studied in different sets. In chapter three, Mary Roach shows us many dead body are being used to study human decomposition. Dead bodies have different stages of decay, by observing the different stages of the decomposition, the researchers record changes of the dead body through time. Scientists place the dead body into different environment, because not only the factors that causes a person die that makes the body shows different phases of decomposition, “Decay is highly dependent on environmental and situational factors.” (pg 40, chapter 3) Mary Roach sees a dead body with a sweatpant on, so that the researchers can study the effect of decay of a body that are wearing clothing. In reality, it helps investigators determine the time of death of cadavers, which helps them to solve crime and murder

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