Speech on Organ Donation

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Speech on Organ Donation Good Morning. Today I am going to talk to you all about the delicate topic of organ donation, and share with you some of my views on the subject. What are the major problems in our society today? Illicit Drug Abuse? Excessive Alcohol intake? Or maybe the increasing levels of Obesity? I bet none of you thought of the sheer lack of donor organs in circulation! The astonishing scarcity of these life saving gifts in our society is astounding! Our society with its miraculous health care, and magical medicines, can surely not deny a fellow human of his most basic right - his right to live. Organ Transplants are one of the greatest achievements in modem medicine. However, they depend entirely on the generosity of donors and their families. Surely every compassionate person should jump at the chance, to donate their gift of life when they die! We should all be united in realising the massive positive effect a simple donor organ can have on a community! Then conclusively, looking at it from this angle, every human alive would feel it his or her unquestionable duty to donate their organs when they die? Sadly this is not the case Problems incurred linked to Organ Donation. ------------------------------------------- Sheer lack of donor organs Ladies and gentlemen, the facts speak for themselves. Each day, 120 people are added to the ever-growing organ waiting list. An astonishing 41% of these unfortunate people, that's about 50, will die due to the lack of donor organs in ... ... middle of paper ... ...nd of donor organs. However, I also believe the following steps need to be taken: 1) The public's faith in the medical sector should be restored by providing better medical services, and ensuring events similar to Alder Hay never happen again. 2) The exact definitions of death should be improved, so potential donors can be sure they will receive the best medical care, right up until they die. 3) Finally, public awareness regarding how to go about organ donation should be drastically improved upon. This could be done by advertising how to go about donation, and what affect donation has on other peoples lives. Awareness campaigns and advertisements have has a massive positive effect on blood donation. I believe this method can also be utilised for Organ donation, and the same positive effect achieved.

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