Donald Trump's Flossal Failure

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Donald Trump, ironically called our great president, turned out to be a complete joke and a total catastrophe. He is the most ridiculous and miserable person that this country could ever have as a president because instead of making the United States a better country as he said, he is making it worse by the decisions he does wrong such as, the messed up choices he makes and the horrendous habits that he has. At first he was like cute little bird singing a song by all the amazing things he said he could do to this country that would benefit everyone but as time progress he started becoming a grievous storm, that damages everything that gets in his way because of the decisions he started making without thinking of others but himself and how …show more content…

He doesn't know how to handle things the correct way and makes choices without thinking, making conclusions or analyzing what could be the results and if it would be good or bad for society. If past presidents were bad, he may end up being worse because he is going the wrong path by the things he is doing or not doing appropriately. “Donald Trump has been a colossal failure in each area that other past presidents have accomplished or overcomed. Some of the areas that Donald is inferior to other presidents is in being the first president to fail to defend the nation from attack on democracy by a hostile foreign power, the first to enrich his private interests, those of his family, direct and openly, and being the first to have denigrated friendly countries and allies as well as a whole continent with racist vulgarities.” (Sean Wilentz,” They were bad. He may be worse”) He has been enriching his private interests and those of his family because he spends twice or triple of the money president Barack Obama spend on his entire presidency, they have also been times on which Donald uses money to buy things for him and does trips to places and spends a lot of money that is not necessary at all. We understand that they have to spend money but not that much money is necessary to be spend in order to get things accomplished and more because …show more content…

Donald is showing his negligent side and that is making people regret more, get angry, and wanting to take him out of the presidency or stand out to defend themselves to stop all the hurtful things he is doing to them and to the country as a whole. Donald Trump is a monster that wants to destroy everything that has been done by hard work and effort by other past presidents that did those choices for the benefit of the country and just because he doesn't like it or wants to show that he can do greater actions but at the end he ends up doing ridiculous decisions and making everyone see he is an ignorant and a clown even though we already know that he is. “President Donald Trump is Frankenstein’s monster of past presidents worst attributes such as, Jackson's rage, Fillmore's bigotry, Roosevelt's self-aggrandizement, Nixon's paranoia, insecurity, and indifference to law, and Clinton's lack of self control and dishonesty”. ( Jack Goldsmith, “Will Donald Trump Destroy the Presidency”) He has shown everyone that he has a really serious attitude of expressing his opinion and himself. This started happening since the elections. He is very dishonest by saying that

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