Donald Driver's Life Essay

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Donald Driver’s life wasn’t the best growing up. Donald grew up with four other kids i his family and his parents got divorced. Donald followed bad footsteps growing up but then he changed his mind and went to football and succeeded in football and made his dreams come true. Do you know about Donald Driver? Donald Driver's early life wasn’t so good Donald Driver stole a car once and he did drugs but do you know what got Donald Driver out of that, it was football. What Donald did in high school. Football was the number one thing in high school to Donald. His high school number was number nine. What position did Donald Play? Donald Driver played Wide Receiver in high school he was really good. His parents and brother and sisters, his mom and dad are split apart Donald Driver grew up in a bad neighborhood with gangs and guns and drugs he had a bad life growing up. Donald Driver grew up in Texas and he still lives in Texas. Donald Driver has a wife known as Betina Jackson they have 3 kids together. Where was Donald Driver born? Donald Driver was born 1975 in Houston, Texas. Donald Driver’s siblings, and his mom and dad. Donald Drive was a middle child of 5, and …show more content…

He had a really hard life hard life. Donald Driver was out and in from U-Haul trucks living a life no one would want to live. Donald Driver’s High School Career was good. Donald’s High School career is what got him out of stealing and smoking and drinking, because he did football and he was good at it then he finally chose not to smoke or anything like that because it is bad for you he set his mind to football. Donald Driver getting drafted into the NFL. Donald Driver got drafted in 1999 and he played for the Packers and he stuck with them his whole career to 2012 and he was a great wide receiver he won the Super Bowl in 2010. Donald Driver is retired but he had a really bad and hard life growing up and he overcame that which most people can't that is why he is so

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