Domestic Violence Case Study

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Intimate partner abuse and violence is in the family with domestic violence, but it may be a less talked about because I was unaware of this term prior to this assignment. While domestic violence is defined as, gender neutral and encompasses a wide range of abuse within families (Van Wormer, 2013), intimate partner abuse is defined as intentional acts to cause injury in a spouse or partner, or ex-spouse and ex-partner. Also, intimate violence is always accompanied with emotional abuse. Historically, men have always been encouraged to correct their wives’ behavior if they did not agree with it. As time passed however, more and more people felt that it was wrong to put their hands on woman, regardless of if she was his wife or not. Though this change occurred, the fact that abuse within the home still happened did not, and when it was brought to the public’s attention, the man could still talk his way out of it. In the example provided in the textbook, Women and the Criminal Justice System (Van Wormer, 2013), it states how Nicole Brown Simpson called the cops on her husband, O.J. Simpson, and he told them that it was a family matter, and the cops left without intervening. This type of behavior is part of the problem in why women do not come forward and leave …show more content…

Recognizing the signs can make all the difference between being alive or dead depending on how physical your partner can get. It is also important for outsiders to recognize the signs because they can help save the victim, but most times, they do not know what to look for such as in the video, Domestic Violence 1: Identifying Abuse (Domestic Violence 1: Identifying Abuse (Finding Safety & Support: The Video), 2013). The friends and family of the victim were oblivious to the changing behavior of the victim, and did not what was going

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