Essay On Dog Socialization

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The owner needs to be in command for the training to be effective; the dog cannot be in charge of himself. Without proper training than socialization will exacerbate any mood an owner has before their dog interacts with others. Socialization, which has importance for the owner because of how much easier it is to take care of something that does not make a nuisance of itself, allows the relationship between the dog and the owner to be stronger. You need to be capable of having guest over without having your dog bouncing on to the first person they see. Dog’s need to be socialized into the new environment they are living in and it is important for the owner to take this initiative because if they do not they may end up with a dog that actually …show more content…

Writing in the journal Anthrozoos, Kiesler advocates that, “relationships with animals lead people to explain their behavior in human terms” (340). The study done by Kiesler went after the psychological effects of the ownership in dogs. I agree that, once enough time is spent with an animal, the owner will begin to associate their behavior with human behavior because of how attached the dog will become to the owners life. The time commitment to a dog will give you more than enough time to become attached. The studies done by Kiesler reaffirms Blythe’s work that went further into detail …show more content…

The author, Dwyer, concluded that “the relationship an owner has with their dog is multidimensional and comprises various positive and negative dimensions, such as the degree to which an owner 1) feels emotionally close to their dog/s, 2) engages in activities with their dog/s, and 3) believes that there are various costs associated with dog ownership” (253). In his article, Dwyer puts his whole work into three very important behaviors and he implores that every owner reflect on such behaviors when participating in ownership. I extol Dwyer for publishing his work for all to understand because if misunderstood or poorly executed than that ownership could become irresponsible. Dwyer attempts to bring the modern world into consideration by incorporating the need for emotion, time commitment, and financial awareness. I believe that more than likely the student will become emotionally attached to the dog but that being the first step I must emphasize that loving something does not always mean its right. If you begin to misappropriate your time between doing activities with your dog and time being spent on school than either the dog or the owner will have to face an extreme impact on their lives. Schoolwork requires time and so does the dog, one will get the greater bias.

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