Does The Trickster Figure Play A Role In Modern Mythology

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• What defines a hero in modern society?
A hero is someone who can portray courage when faced with a particular problem, able to assist others in certain ways and give them strength when faced with life's difficulties. In modern society, it is difficult to identify someone another individual can look up to as a hero. It takes a special person and quality to for others to follow and look up to without worrying that they can be led astray. A hero is someone who is able and willing to fight for everyone's freedom and to lay his life down for others (Kazin, 2013).
• In what way is the hero portrayed in film and literature and how does that compare to real stories of heroism?
Classical mythology signifies the religion, the culture and the beliefs of the …show more content…

He faces an obstacle that needs to be overcome, meets his helpers that lead to marriage, and he finally receives his reward. This motifs or patterns are the same are the same that modern heroes follow, which shows that the mythology is the foundation of every modern heroic story (Stuller, 2010).
• Does the trickster figure play a role in modern mythology?
A trickster is a clever, mischievous creature or person who achieves his or her goals through trickery. They could be weak individuals who use a trick to survive in a dangerous. The lazy and unattractive looking man used trickery by appearing to the maiden's home while they were eating so that the shy girls could not hide (Phoenix, 2008). He eventually married the beautiful young lady by using a hair string. Trickster figure is essential in modern mythology since it shows how individuals tend to survive in cases in which they have some weak characters or are looked upon by the society, but they later prosper in living and regarded as heroes (Stuller, 2010).
• In what way are the hero and, possibly the trickster, integral to

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